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Anti-social behaviour

Always phone 999 in an emergency, such as if there is danger to life, if violence is being used or threatened, if a crime is in progress or if someone suspected of a crime is nearby.

Phone 101 to speak to your local police to report a crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response.

What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour is defined as 'behaviour by a person which causes, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to persons not of the same household'. It is behaviour that is disruptive to you, the people around you, or your local community, such as:

  • Actual or threatened violence, physical abuse, or verbal abuse.
  • Illegal use of premises or other criminal behaviour, e.g., drug dealing.
  • Drug or alcohol-related nuisance.
  • Vandalism or misuse of communal areas and public spaces.
  • Neighbourhood nuisance, e.g., littering, fly-tipping, or joyriding.
  • Pet and animal nuisance, e.g., using animals in a threatening way.
  • Excessive noise, shouting, swearing, and banging.

Problems due to different lifestyles or everyday living situations, especially if living in shared facilities or a flat. Examples include babies crying, children playing, DIY during reasonable hours, one-off parties, cooking and household smells, smoke, minor disputes between neighbours and unavoidable noise. These are not normally considered to be antisocial behaviour.

Dealing with anti-social behaviour

Depending on the type of anti-social behaviour you are dealing with, there are different steps you can take.

If you feel safe and comfortable to do so, you could try talking to the person involved to try and improve or resolve the situation. However, as outlined above, if you feel threatened, intimidated, or witness a crime, you should always contact the police first. You can contact the police by calling 999 to report emergencies or by calling 101 for non-emergencies.

If it’s an ongoing issue, you should keep a record of the date, time and place of the incidents taking place. You should include as much detail as possible. This will help if you have to contact your landlord, local authority, or the police for assistance.

If you are experiencing anti-social behaviour and are currently residing in a social housing property, you should contact your housing provider or visit their website, for Help and Guidance.

You can also find further information at  Help with anti-social behaviour for social housing tenants and Citizens Advice

If you live in privately rented accommodation, you can find help and guidance at Citizens Advice